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Speech Pathology for all ages and stages

We are Speech Pathologists who want to challenge the health industry to do and be better than before. We believe in thinking dynamically using evidence based practice and keeping the family at the centre of everything we do. This has flow-on effects to the work we produce and the relationships we form.

We imagine a world where talking and understanding each other are the key to learning and forming connections. 

We make the needs of the client and their family a top priority, making them the focus of our holistic care approach.  


At Kindred Health Services, we don't think everyone should be treated the same way. Instead, we want to be the best at working together to match the specific goals of each person. By paying attention to what each person likes and how they like to be involved, we create personalised solutions that go beyond conventional approaches.

We provide speech therapy for kids, adolescents and adults. We tailor our assessments and therapy to address your concerns and area of need!

Our speech therapists each have an area of interest and their strengths and therefore, we will endeavour to allocate the best clinician for you or provide a referral to someone else who is!

Our mission is centred on meeting each child or individual where they are at, find areas where they can improve, and work together to reach their goals. 


We are dedicated to continuing our professional development specifically in the areas of Neuro-diversity Affirming Practice, Sensory Regulation, Trauma-Informed Practice, Early Intervention, Social Communication and Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) assessment and therapy approaches.


Fists in Solidarity

What we value:

> Honesty fosters trust

> Independence earns respect

> Collaboration brings creativity

> Passion creates innovation

> Enthusiasm is stimulating and fun

> Learning leads to progress

> Reflection increases self-awareness

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